21times Hacker News Sneak Peek

November 1st we launched an early version of our new project 21times.org. Some members of the Hacker News community committed to launching an application by the end of November as an effort to fight off procrastination and get their projects…

Personal Online Code of Conduct

In my last post I mentioned that I was currently drafting a new Personal Online Code of Conduct. My goal is to move away from the need to be constantly connected and also to make sure the time I am…

The “Bog” That Is Constant Connectivity

Virginia Heffernan recently wrote an article for the NY Times titled Let Them Eat Tweets in which she discusses this recent phenomenon of constant connectivity. It seems the masses (myself included) are infatuated with the idea of being constantly connected…

BlueSwarm.com is live!

Finally, we’ve soft launched BlueSwarm.com.  We’ve been working on this project for a few months now and we’re proud to finally have something that the general public can play with.  This is still a relatively early beta, but it’s functional! …