Top 15 TextMate Shortcuts

TextMate by Macromates is by far the best code writing/development tool I’ve ever used. Not only is it awesome at face value, but the depth of features and extras make it the ultimate productivity booster when developing. What’s equally amazing…

New Theme

Did some minor customizations of the most excellent theme ‘The Morning After‘ by The Masterplan. Hope you all like the facelift.

My good friend Ryan just launched a new personal finance and investment/personal development blog. Lots of great information available, be sure to check it out. PHILOSOPHY I believe that life is a gift and we can shape our own…

Life Catalysts

cat·a·lyst -noun a person or thing that precipitates an event or change Life catalysts can either shock us into inaction or shove us into forward motion. These catalysts can be extremely joyful events in our lives or downright lame ones,…